Forgotten Realms: The Library

Mel Odom

Mel Odom is always trekking around in worlds of wonder when no one's looking, but he always reports back with the story. Some of the worlds are borrowed, like TSR's Forgotten Realms, but he's created a few as well. The Lost Library of Cormanthyr was his first Forgotten Realms book, and he definitely enjoys the ring of steel on steel, and the sizzle of a well-cast spell.

He's written dozens of novels over the past eleven years in several fields: fantasy, game related fiction, science fiction, movie novelizations, horror, young adult, juvenile, computer strategy guides, action-adventure, and comics.

He lives in Moore, Oklahoma with his wife and five children, and welcomes comments and conversation at When not facing down ferocious enemies with blade and spellbook, you can often find him cheering his children on at softball games, basketball games, wrestling matches, and baseball games.




The Cities

Lost Empires

The Threat from the Sea

The Wilds

Realms of the Deep

Realms of War

Created February 17, 1998 - last modified January 11, 2009 Copyrights and Contact