Station is the paradox of the world of my people, the limitation of our power
within the hunger for power. It is gained through treachery and invites treachery
against those who gain it. Those most powerful in Menzoberranzan spend their days
watching over their shoulders, defending against the daggers that would find
their backs. Their deaths usually come from the front.
-- Drizzt Do'Urden

As I became a creature of the empty tunnels, survival became easier and more
difficult all at once. I gained in the physical skills and experience necessary
to live on. I could defeat almost anything that wandered into my chosen domain.
It did not take me long, however, to discover one nemesis that I could neither
defeat nor flee. It followed me wherever I went - indeed, the farther I ran, the
more it closed in around me. My enemy was solitude, the interminable, incessant
silence of hushed corridors.
-- Drizzt Do'Urden

Drizzt Do'Urden emerges from the Underdark into a world of eye-searing light and
bizarre new creatures -- a world teeming with life and almost limitless danger.
For a dark elf born into the ruthless matriarchy of Menzoberranzan, the World
Above can be a confusing place, but it can also be a place of second chances,
new beginnings, and unimagined friendships. All he has to do is live long enough
to convince the surface dwellers he means them no harm.

Drizzt Do'Urden has settled in the windswept towns of Icewind Dale. There, he
encounters a young barbarian named Wulfgar, captured in a raid and made the ward
of a grizzled dwarf named Bruenor. With Drizzt's help, Wulfgar will grow from a
feral child to a man with the heart of a dwarf, the instincts of a savage, and
the soul of a hero. But it will take even more than that to defeat the demonic
power of Crenshinibon, the fabled Crystal Shard.
This is the book that first introduced the world to the dark elf Drizzt Do'Urden
and his band of loyal companions. The crystal shard is an ancient artifact of
demonic evil, possessed of a malign intelligence all its own that tempts all who
come near it with promises of power. Drizzt and his friends are in for the fight
of their lives.

I would gladly teach him. I would revel in his successes as much as in my own,
but I would demand, always I would demand, a sense of humility, dedication, and
an understanding of this power I was teaching, an appreciation of the potential
for destruction. I would teach no one who did not continue to display an
appropriate level of compassion and community. To learn how to use a sword, one
must first master when to use a sword.
--Drizzt Do'Urden
Drizzt Do'Urden struggles with his own inner voices, voices that call him back
to the pitiless depths of the Underdark. But louder still are the voices of his
newfound friends, and the dream that drives Bruenor Battlehammer on to reclaim
Mithral Hall. Time and again they're told to turn back, that some dreams can
never be fulfilled, but on they fight - together.

Regis has fallen into the hands of the assassin Artemis Entreri, who is taking
him to Calimport to deliver him into the clutches of the vile Pasha Pook. But
Drizzt and Wulfgar are close on their heels, determined to save Regis from his
own folly as much as from his powerful enemies.

Because of the friends I have known, the honorable people I have met, I know I
am no solitary hero of unique causes. I know that when I die, that which is
important will live on. This is my legacy; by the grace of the gods, I am not
--Drizzt Do'Urden

Still reeling from the death of Wulfgar, Drizzt is allowed little time to grieve,
for dark elves are massing in the caverns deep under Mithral Hall. To protect
his adopted home, he'll have to return to the city of his birth, the evil City
of Spiders. Menzoberranzan is one of the most dangerous places in the already
perilous Underdark on a good day, but for Drizzt, a renegade with a price on his
head, it's certain death ever to set foot there again. But Drizzt Do'Urden and
his companions have faced certain death before, and will gladly spend their lives
for the sake of the dwarves of Mithral Hall.

Drow march on Mithral Hall and Drizzt must once again join with dwarves, humans,
and even a halfling, to combat his own family and their evil dark elf mistresses.
The subterranean halls of the dwarf citadel rings with fierce battle, and a
hero's heart fills with loyalty and remorse, as the Legend of Drizzt continues.

Drizzt and Catti-brie have been away from Mithral Hall for six long years, but
the pain of a lost companion still weighs heavily on their strong shoulders.
Chasing pirates aboard Captain Deudermont's Sea Sprite is enough to draw their
attention away from their grief. Then a mysterious castaway on an uncharted
island sends them back to the very source of their pain, and into the clutches
of a demon with vengeance on his mind.
But the demon Errtu isn't the only one who longs for revenge. Drizzt wants
justice, but may get more than he ever dreamed instead. First he'll have to face
Errtu and his demonic hordes, while staring into the burning depths of the
endless Abyss, and doing everything in his power not to trade the life of one
friend for the soul of another.
Catti-brie and I vowed that we would return to Mithral Hall one day, and so we
would, for Bruenor was there, and Regis. But Catti-brie had seen the truth. You
can never get the smell of blood out of the stones. If you were there when that
blood was spilled, the continuing aroma evokes images too painful to live beside.
- Drizzt Do'Urden
Drizzt has found a home on the Sea Sprite, where he hunts pirates alongside the
ship's master, Captain Deudermont. But strange and dire portents draw him home
and kindle a hope he had long since abandoned: The hope of seeing the fallen
Wulfgar alive again.

When the vile Crystal Shard once again reveals itself, Drizzt must race against
his most formidable enemies in hopes of destroying it before it finds the one
being that can help it enslave the world: a dark elf named Jarlaxle.

Spending time in the unimaginable torture chambers of the Abyss for even a day
would be enough to break even the heartiest soul, and the barbarian Wulfgar was
there for years. When he returns, his friends find him a changed man, and not
changed for the better. But Wulfgar's road to redemption is one he must travel
on his own, even if it leads to the bottle.

(No info yet.)