Nearly three decades have passed since I left my homeland, a small measure
of time by the reckoning of a drow elf, but a period that seems a lifetime to
me. All that I desired, or believed that I desired, when I walked out of
Menzoberranzan's dark cavern, was a true home, a place of friendship and peace
where I might hang my scimitars above the mantle of a warm hearth and share
stories with trusted companions.
I have found all that now, beside Bruenor in the hallowed halls of his youth.
We prosper. We have peace. I cannot deny that my life is better, a thousand
times better, than anything I ever knew in the Underdark. And yet, I cannot
remember the last time I felt the anxiety, the inspiring fear, of impending
battle, the tingling that can come only when an enemy is near or a challenge
must be met...
Life is good for Drizzt Do'Urden, better than it ever has been for the
beleaguered dark elf. His dearest friend, the dwarf Bruenor, has reclaimed his
throne, and his adventuring companions, Wulfgar and Catti-brie, are to be wed in
the spring. Even the halfling Regis has returned. All the friends are united in
the safety and prosperity of Mithril Hall, where streams of silver mithril run
deep and dwarven hammers bang out the solemn rhythms of ancient and unending songs.
But Drizzt did not achieve this state of peace without leaving powerful enemies
in his wake. Lloth, the dreaded Spider Queen deity of the evil dark elves,
counts herself among them and has vowed to end the drow's days of pleasant

There are no shadows in the Underdark. Only after years on the surface have I
come to understand the significance of that seemingly minute fact, of the
contrast between lightness and darkness. There are no shadows in the Underdark,
no areas of mystery where only the imagination can go, for neither is there
The Underdark. A place of brooding darkness, where no shadows exist, and where
Drizzt Do'Urden does not wish to go. The noble dark elf must return there,
though, must go back to find his friends in the gnome city of Blingdenstone, and
on to Menzoberranzan, the city of the drow. Only then can Drizzt discern what
perils might reach out from that dark place to threaten his friends in Mithril
He finds allies where he least expects them and enemies he though long gone.
His scimitars slash at monsters too evil to reside under the sunlight of the
surface world, while his inner strength wrestles with the tumult of emotions
assaulting the noble drow when he looks once more on his dreaded homeland.
All the while Drizzt must fend off the weight of guilt he carries for a dear
friend lost to him forever.
I can find no answers in Mithril Hall, will never know for certain if the dark
elves hunger still for vengeance - unless another force from Menzoberranzan
comes to the surface to claim the bounty on my head. With this truth bending
low my shoulders, how could I ever travel to Silverymoon, or to any other
nearby town, resuming my normal lifestyle? How could I ever sleep in peace
while holding within my heart the very real fears that the dark elves might
soon return and once more imperil my friends?
The apparent serenity of Drizzt Do'Urden, the brooding quiet, will show me
nothing of the future designs of the drow. Yet, for the sake of my friends,
I must know those dark intentions. And so I fear that there remains only one
place for me to look...

Matron Baenre wants revenge. As she prepares an assault on Drizzt Do'Urden and
Mithril Hall, the Time of Troubles hits and Lloth, the Spider Queen herself,
walks the streets of Menzoberranzan! When the laws of magic turn horribly
erratic, the mystical city is thrown into chaos more cruel than even the dark
elves can bear. As the ruling houses tremble, one family unleashes potent
nonmagical forces and rises to power.
In Mithril Hall, as Bruenor Battlehammer prepares to meet the dark elves' siege,
Drizzt finds Guenhwyvar locked in the Astral Plane, and Catti-brie is caught in
wild, horrific dreams. Only an ancient dwarven king, allies from the depths, and
Drizzt's own quick thinking can save them from the Spider Queen's minions.
"Let the damned drow come!"
All about me I saw excitement, in the dwarves, in Catti-brie, even in Regis,
the halfling known more for preparing for lunch and nap than for war. I
felt it, too. That tingling anticipation, that camaraderie that had me and all
the others patting each other on the back, offering praises for the simplest
of additions to the common defense, and raising our voices together in cheer
whenever good news was announced. What was it? It was more than shared fear,
more than giving thanks for what we had while realizing that it might soon
be stolen away. I didn't understand it then, in that time of frenzy, in that
euphoria of frantic preparations. Now, looking back, it is an easy thing to
It was hope.

Six years. Not so long in the lifespan of a drow. And yet - in counting the
months, the weeks, the days, the hours - it seemed to me as if I had been away
from Mithril Hall a hundred times that number. The place was another lifetime,
another way of life, a mere stepping stone to...
To what? To where?
I ride the waves along the sword coast now, the wind and spray in my face. My
ceiling is the rush of clouds and the canopy of stars; the floor, the creaking
boards of a swift, well-weathered ship. Beyond that lies the azure blanket, flat
and still, heaving and rolling, hissing in the rain and exploding under the fall
of a breaching whale.
Is this then, my home?