In a corner of the world far removed from the known Forgotten Realms stands
the exotic continent of Maztica. There Erix the slave girl learns of a great
destiny laid upon her by the gods themselves. At the same time, across the sea,
a fateful mission of exploration embarks.
The explorers, a legion of seasoned mercenaries, sail westward to discover a
land of primitive savagery mixed with high culture, of brutal, bloodthirsty
gods and lavish treasures. Under the banner of their vigilant god, Helm, the
legion claims these lands for their own.
Only as Erix sees her land invaded by these strangers, when her world itself
starts to collapse around her, is her startling destiny revealed...

Erix, the former slave girl, and Halloran, the legionnaire, flee from the waves
of catastrophe sweeping Maztica. The God of War feasts upon chaos while the
desperate lovers strive to escape from the enemies on all sides.
Finally each is forced into a choice of historical proportions and deeply personal
emotion. The gods themselves awaken, and the destruction of the fabulously
wealthy continent of Maztica looms on the horizon.
Yet Erix bears with her a desperate secret, and with that secret comes the lone
hope that Maztica can survive...

The greatest city in Maztica lies in ruins... a plague of hideous monsters
descends across the land.
From the ashes of destruction, a tenuous alliance forms. Legionnaires and native
warriors fight side by side, desperate to stem the onslaught of chaos.
Their only hope of victory requires aid from beyond the Forgotten Realms...
the prophecy given to Erix of Palul: Qotal, immortal Plumed Sepent, will return
to Maztica for a final battle against the forces of evil.
But already the Feathered Dragon may be too late...