Kaanyr Vhok's ears popped again, and the whole universe turned upside down.
The half-demon master of the Scoured Legion still stings from his defeat in
Menzoberranzan, and he's turned that anger on the human city of Sundabar, and
onward into the Plane of Fire.
Aliisza's head swam. She could remain alive, so long as she was a good girl. But
it seemed too easy, too simple. The alu-fiend knew there was a catch.
She's been consort, spy, and soldier, all in support of Kaanyr Vhok, but when he
sends her on a mission she only thinks she understands, she finds a secret inside
herself, and the unlikeliest allies a demon could possibly imagine.
Ever wonder what could bring a demon to the gates of heaven?
Aliisza and Kaanyr Vhok have returned from their attempted invasion of
Menzoberranzan and turned their sights on Sundabar. But before she can complete
a mission in that besieged city, Aliisza finds herself in the one place a demon
would never want to go, no matter how sure she is of her wits and cunning: the
very heart of Celestia.

Kaanyr Vhok's howl of anguish and betrayal made Aliisza clamp her hands over
her ears.
The half-demon who once led the Scoured Legion finds himself exactly where
he wanted to be -- in the heart of heaven -- under exactly the wrong
circumstances -- bound by divine oath to the whims of an angel.
Aliisza laughed. "When all is said and done, I still serve one person
only." Me, she silently added.
Tricked by her lover into a torturous imprisonment in heaven, the succubus
Aliisza's learned the folly of depending on demons to keep her best
interests at heart. Now she's looking forward to teaching him the same
hard-earned lesson.
A demon surrounded by angels in a universe of righteousness? How did that become
Aliisza's life?

What could bring heaven to the depths of hell?
Aliisza betrayed her lover, her mentor, and her son in order to try to stop the
dark plot to kill the goddess Mystra. She failed. Now the goddess is dead, magic
is malfunctioning, and Aliisza and her companions are trapped. Her only hope of
escape lies is in convincing the angels and demons she just betrayed to trust
her and work together -- before they kill each other.
What Aliisza has witnessed has changed her forever, but that's nothing compared
to what happened to the multiverse itself. The startling climax will change the
nature of the cosmos forever.