The spellcaster, Shal, seeks to avenge the death of her wizard master.
The ranger thief, Ren, hunts the assassin who brutally murdered his beloved
The cleric, Tarl, prepares for a confrontation with the undead.
A possessed dragon commands the undead armies of Valhigen Graveyard and the
beasts from the ruins of Phlan. Desperate, Shal, Ren, and Tarl join forces to
deliver Phlan and the entire Moonsea from the dark possession of evil
reincarnate ... Tyranthraxus.

The entire city of Phlan has vanished, ripped from the surface of Toril by dire
creatures and magical forces. While the minions of the evil god Bane bicker over
the spoils, the brave citizens of Phlan mount a stubborn defense.
A ranger-thief named Ren seeks his missing friends, Shal and Tarl, spellcasters
nonpareil. Ren must band together with a mysterious sorceress, Evaine, and her
intrepid shapeshifter cat, as well as a couple of droll druids and a fearful
knight who is absolutely, positively dead.

The holy hammer of the Church of Tyr was captured by the evil god Bane two
decades ago. When Bane was destroyed, the relic vanished. The legacy of
recovering the lost item was granted to a paladin before his birth.
Now the young warrior must fulfill his destiny and return the enchanted hammer
to the forces of good in the land of the Moonsea. Danger, deception, and loyal
friends will accompany him on his fateful journey.