All dates are in Dalereckoning, and year names are given where appropriate.
1350s |
1350 | Year of the Morningstar |
- "Pools of Darkness": Phlan disappears from the shores of the Moonsea, but is returned by the same adventurers who destroyed the Pool of Radiance ten years earlier.
- "The Walls of Midnight" (Realms of Infamy Story XII)
- Cult of Set gains control of Sampranasz; Seti forms the Fangs of Set.
- The treasury and armory of King Osbrun of Chessagol are looted, apparently by magic.
- Elminster retires to Shadowdale.
- The Knights of Myth Drannor destroy a Zhentarim stronghold, the Flaming Tower. Manshoon forms alliance with Beholders (Ruins of ZK)
- Manshoon forms an alliance with beholders.
- The Knights of Myth Drannor slay the beholder Xantriph in the Temple in the Sky. Xantriph was an important ally to the Zhentarim.
- The mage Detho, son of Navro, disappears, most likely into the depths of Undermountain.
- Khelben "Blackstaff" Arunsun slays the two remaining wizards of the mage cabal known as the Brothers Six, after they attempt to extert control over trade entering and leaving the harbors of Waterdeep and Baldur's Gate.
1351 | Year of the Crown |
- "The Crystal Shard" begins. Regis steals Pasha Pook's magical ruby, flees Calimport to Ten Towns. Akar Kessel begins working with the Silver Shard on Kelvin's Cairn.
- "Haunted, A Tale of Sembia" (Dragon 304) begins.
- Larloch's (Warlock's) Crypt discovered.
- Plague in Baldur's Gate.
- The green dragon Dretchroyaster is nearly killed by the Merry Marauders adventuring company.
- A Cult of the Dragon cell, led by the mage Larkonlan, approaches Dretchroyaster and offers to make him a dracolich, ensuring the green dragon of immortality.
- The Company of Eight, a band of Tethyrian adventurers, bring down the despot Duke Nivedann Illehhune.
- Talbot Uskevren is born in Selgaunt.
- A group of thieves gathers secretly in Waterdeep to attack and slay the wizard Baelam "the Bold". He slays them all for their troubles and then quits the city to roam the Realms after giving the last of his master Irritym's magic to Khelben Arunsun.
1352 | Year of the Dragon |
- Prologue of "Ironhelm"
- Chapter 32 of "Cormyr: A Novel"
- Gondegal the Lost King of Arabel attempts to build his own kingdom.
- Barbarians of the Ride destroy a huge Zhentarim force en route to Glister.
- The Tethyrian fortress of Zazessovertan is officially dedicated and renamed to the Cloister of St. Ramedar.
- Pasha Balik begins his rule in Zazzesspur with the hidden aid if the Knights of the Shield.
- The green dragon Dretchroyaster moves his lair from tunnels south of Myth Drannor to a crystalline plant near the ruined City of Song.
- The Magister Imrul Athelzedar approaches Noumea Drathchuld, a librarian in Silverymoon's Vault of Sages, and takes her as his apprentice (and future sucessor).
- The daring thief Asilther Graelor steals almost the entire hoard of the black dragon Shammagar from his lair in the mountains north of Waterdeep. After fruitlessly searching for Asilther for the better part of a season, Shammagar relocates his lair and remaining treasure to an unnamed island in the Trackless Sea.
1353 | Year of the Arch |
- "A Virtue by Reflection" ("Realms of Valor" Story VI)
- "The Nether Scroll" begins.
- Randal Morn kills the Zhent ruler Malyk, and frees much of Daggerdale (but not Dagger Falls) from the Zhents.
- Doust Sulwood retires to Arabel
- Mourngrym Amcathra becomes Lord of Shadowdale.
- The main buildings of Helm's Stead are fortified; the monastery is renamed Helm's Hold.
- The Company of Eight begins to fight against the schemes of Ernest Gallowglass and his predatory son in Tethyr.
- The Carrion Count of Tannar, Lantan of Pelmarin, is slain by the bard Tamshan.
- Volludan, guildmaster of the Shadowmasters of Telflamm, is killed and the stolen Red Book of War is lost as the ship he was travelling on sinks north of Cape Dragonfang.
- The Night Masks, a band of thieves, assassins and enforcers who operate largely by night, are established in Westgate by a doppleganger mage known as "the Faceless" and a handful of merchants, who take to calling themselves the Night Masters. The guild, whose symbol is a domino mask, quickly comes to control most of the illegal doings in town, although the Shore Patrol, a loose confederation of street gangs, thieves, thugs, and outcasts of all sorts, resists assimilation.
- The Faceless and the Night Masters of Westgate are protected from scrying by a device stolen from the temple of Leira. It consists of a tree rack and twelve white porcelain masks painted with black domino masks about the eye slits that, once recharged on the tree rack, protect anyone wearing them for at least an hour for up to four days from magical detection and divination.
- The settlement of Llorkh in the Delimbyr Vale comes under the sway of the Zhentarim after Geildarr Ithym is installed as leader following the untimely demise of the previous lord, Phintarn Redblade.
1354 | Year of the Bow |
- "A Dance in Storm's Garden" (The Best of the Realms, Book II Story VI)
- Prologue of "Rising Tide": The malenti priestess Laaqueel frees Iakhovas from his prison under the Shining Sea.
- Prosperous harvest in the Realms.
- Mulmaster's "New Fleet" destroyed in battle with the navy of Zhentil Keep.
- Maalthiir becomes ruler of Hillsfar.
- House of the Lady (Tymora) established in Shadowdale.
- Dunkelzhan of Candlekeep writes The Origin Myths -- A Treatise.
- The Night of Fire: The Four Mages of Felshroun defend the Free Barony against a Red Wizard attack (Border Kingdoms).
- Balagos the great red wyrm attacks and devours the sage Thoravus of Athkatla.
- The Company of Eight, a Tethyrian adventuring company, saves the gold dragon Garlokantha. The dragon and the adventurers become firm allies.
- The Magister Imrul Athelzedar is attacked and killed by Eron Imgrym of Shiertalar. Imrul's apprentice Noumea becomes Magister (reigns 1354 to 1370).
- The High Captains of Luskan come fully under the sway of the Arcane Brotherhood, cementing its secret rule over the city.
1355 | Year of the Harp |
- "Elminster at the Magefair" ("Realms of Valor" Story II)
- "Dark Legacy": Prologue of Threat from the Sea (Dragon 255)
- Zhentil Keep takes control of the Citadel of the Raven due to a clever act of treachery.
- Retreat of the elves from Cormanthor reaches its peak.
- Yulash falls in civil war
- The Red Plumes of Hillsfar and Zhentil Keep move troops to Yulash. Both parties want outright control of the city.
- Shaerl Rowanmantle sent by Vangerdahast to Shadowdale.
- Shaerl and Mourngrym wed.
- Great fires rage across the Shining Plains.
- The Knights of Myth Drannor and their allies repulse a Zhentarim attack against Shadowdale.
- The mage Whisper is slain by Doust Sulwood and his companions beneath the Haunted Halls of Eveningstar.
- Doust Sulwood comes from the west to Shadowdale with the Pendant of Ashaba, and claims the high seat.
- Eilistraee's faithful establish the Promenade of the Dark Maiden, a temple complex in Undermountain.
- Helm "Dwarf-friend" becomes ruler of Sundabar.
- Amril Zoar, scion of the exiled Waterdhavian family of the same name, slays two secret Lords of Waterdeep, Lady Tamaeril Bladesemmer and Resengar the Whitebeard, and badly wounds Open Lord Peirgeiron. After being apprehended, he is spared execution by the intercession of Storm Silverhand of the Harpers.
1356 | Year of the Worm |
- "Spellfire" begins.
- "The Crystal Shard" ends Drizzt Do'Urden and Wulfgar kill Icingdeath (Eleasias). Battle of Icewind Dale (Eleasias).
- "Streams of Silver"
- "The Halfling's Gem" begins
- Flashbacks of "The Howling Delve"
- "The Lord of Lowhill" ("Realms of Valor" Story I)
- Siege of Dragonspear Castle.
- Selfaril of Mulmaster and the Tharchioness of the Tarch of Eltabbar in Thay, known as the First Princess of Thay outside the Thay, exchange betrothal gifts.
- Lashan of Scardale proclaims himself king of the dales in Flamerule, and set a full scale invasion against the other dales in motion. But his empire is short-lived and his army is destroyed late the same year by the combined forces of Cormyr, Sembia, Zhentil Keep and the Dales. Scardale now houses garrisons from all forces, working to keep the peace.
- Cormyr seizes Tilverton.
- Founding of the Iron Throne.
- The Statues That Walk begin animating in Mulhorand.
- Lyran the Pretender attacks Shadowdale.
- The temple of Bane in Voonlar is sacked by Shadowdale forces. 400 prisoners, including drow and Zhentarim, are taken (Ruins of ZK, FR7 Hall of Heroes).
- The most recent flight of dragons occurs, causing much havoc across Faerûn. Though the Cult of the Dragon claims responsibility, the true cause of such events remains a mystery.
- As part of the Flight of Dragons that afflicts the Moonsea and eastern Heartlands, Westgate is attacked by a young adult male black dragon named Xuntlarmerphyn, the last surviving hatchling of Aglistralarraghautha. Many ships in Westgate's harbor are sunk before the wyrm is slain by the concerted attacks of the city's wizards, priests, and warriors.
- The ghost dragon Ghaulantatra, a white dragon in life, finally slays the eye tyrant that murdered her.
- Sembia bans the elven races from Sembian soil.
- In Eleasias, king Azoun IV's daughter Alusair Nacacia runs away. Her reason is unknown but she is spotted in Tilverton but not found.
- Death of Sylune of Shadowdale.
- An attacking wave of dragons is diverted from Silverymoon, but the city has an official ride in mourning anyway, because the sister of Lady Alustriel, Sylune, died in combat with a dragon in Shadowdale.
- Two known Red Wizards are crushed while standing on the docks in Alaghon. The druids of the Enclave are suspected.
- Dabron Sashenstar charts a passage through the Novularond Peaks to Sossal. He also discovers the tower of the long-dead mage Caddelyn.
- The deep tunnels under Hellgate Keep now connect with the Nameless Dungeon to the southwest under the High Forest.
- The High Captain Suljack of Luskan addresses the Merchant's League in Baldur's Gate.
- The Knights of Myth Drannor close the underground passage to the Drow realm under the Tower of Ashaba. Thus ending the trade between Zhentil Keep and the dark elves.
- Hordes of adventuring bands start expeditions to the fables ruins of Myth Drannor.
- The Palace of Skulls reappears in Llyrath Forest (Moonshaes)
- Gharri of Gond, out of Tilverton, is killed in a magical battle with Zhentarim wizards near Serpentsbridge in Daggerdale.
- Fiends out of Dragonspear Castle and a strange magical mist that blankets the region around it, cause chaos throughout the trade routes of the Sword Coast North until the devils are finally defeated by the combined forces of Waterdeep and Baldur's Gate.
- Akar Kessel and his army are defeated by the combined forces of the Ten Towns, the dwarves of Clan Battlehammer and the barbarians of the Icewind Dale led by Wulfgar, son of Beornegar.
- Bruenor Battlehammer and the Company of the Hall re-discover Mithral Hall and slay the shadow dragon known as Shimmergloom.
1357 | Year of the Prince |
- "The Halfling's Gem" ends.
- "Crypt of the Shadowking": The Harpers Caledan Caledorian and Mari Al'Maren destroy the Shadow King in the crypts beneath Irieabor, after the Shadow King kills the Zhentarim ruler Ravendas. The Zhentarim lose control of the City of a Thousand Spires.
- "Crown of Fire"
- "Hand of Fire"
- "Dark Mirror" ("Realms of Valor" Story XI)
- "Bloodbound" (The Best of the Realms, Book II Story VIII)
- "A Slow Day in Skullport" (The Best of the Realms, Book II Story VII)
- "How Wisdom Came to the Maimed Wizard" (The Best of the Realms, Book II Story IX)
- "The Legacy"
- "Starless Night"
- "Azure Bonds": On the 6th of Kythorn, the avatar of Moander, the Jawed God, appears over the city of Westgate battling Mistinarperadnacles Hai Draco, a female red dragon allied with Alias of the Magic Arm, a saurial paladin named Dragonbait, a halfling bard named Olive Ruskettle, and a mage from Turmish named Akabar Bel Akash. Both Moander and the red wyrm are destroyed in a great conflagration over the city, and their shattered forms rain down over the northwestern end of the city, destroying parts of the city wall, the Dhostar warehouses, and the slum area known as the Shore. Two days later, an earthquake centered on the Hill of Fangs west of the city rocks Westgate shortly after dawn. The tremor is the result of a great battle between Alias and her friends on one hand and those who had created the swordswoman with the magic arm on the other hand, including a guild of assassins known as the Fire Knives, the sorceress Cassana of Westgate, and the lich Zrie Prakis, all of whom are destroyed.
- "Spellfire" ends: Shandril Shessair kills a dracolich of the Dragon Cult and does heavy damage to Zhentil Keep and the Citadel of the Raven with Spellfire.
- During the months of Flamerule, Eleasias, and Eleint, the Night Masks battle the Shore Patrol for control of Westgate's criminal underworld. Adventurers, hired by the city's merchant nobility as bounty hunters, deliver a sharp check to the ambitions of the Night Masks. Their efforts thwart a plot by the ruling Pentad of Night Masters to transform Westgate into a theocracy of Mask, the Shadowlord.
- Lady Alustriel forges an alliance with Bruenor Battlehammer of Mithril Hall and helps defend the dwarf halls against the Baenre drow clan.
- Aumark Lithyl unifies Ruathym.
- King Virdin of Damara killed in battle with Zhengyi the Witch-King.
- Manshoon and Fzoul Chembryl are taken ill but are healed.
- The Pharoah Akonhorus of Mulhorand is assassinated by the Cult of Set, leaving Horustep III (age 11) on the throne of Mulhorand.
- Slave riots in Messemprar.
- Gauntylgrym is re-discovered by the Company of the Gryphon.
- Zhentil Keep wins a naval battle against Mulmaser and Melvaunt. (Ruins of ZK)
- Civil War in Melvaunt.
- The bard Ivryn Olindarr writes the comedic play Three Black Horses.
- Malarkin Norlbertusz of Ordulin writes the play Much Ado in Sembia.
- The Salamander War: The Tharchion of Lapendrar, allied with the Zulkirs of Enchantment and Conjuration, open a Gate to the Elemental Plane of Fire, and begin a campaign against the North Coast Cities.
- A second Thayan army of zombies invades Rashemen but is turned back.
- Khelben "Blackstaff" Arunsun travels to the stronghold of the band known as The Nine in the High Forest and frees the leader - Laerel Silverhand, one of the 7 Sisters - from the Crown of Horns and its curse and therefore also from Myrkuls influence. Laeral returns with him to Waterdeep for more healing, and after that, they are inseparable and she is referred to as Lady Arunsun (City of Splendors).
- A tribe of kobolds takes up residence in the Maiden's Tomb Tor, unnoticed by Waterdeep.
- The dwarves of the Ironeater Clan reclaim the ruined halls of Illefarn.
- Geildarr becomes lord of Llorkh after the murder of Phintarn 'Redblade', the previous lord. Dwarves start disappearing in Llorkh.
- The Tome of the Unicorn is stolen from Ruathym's Green Rooms royal library.
- Shairksah, an evil merchant and mage, is banished from Amn for threatening to kill other merchants with magical creatures he controls or conjures from his home in Murann.
- During the Festival of the Assumption, Gilgeam destroys a giant dragon turtle in Unthalass Harbor.
- Haverstrom Lhal, husband of Myrmeen Lhal of Arabel, dies.
- Cormyrean troops invade Tilverton, under some protests from the citizens.
- The forces of Luskan attack Ruathym, successfully plundering much of the island and sinking that realm's ships. They establish a presence there and subjugate the local population and shipping.
- The thief Asilther Graelor seizes a Luskan ship heavily-laden with treasure from Ruathym and pilots it to the abode of the black dragon Shammagar on an unnamed island in the Trackless Sea, thereby in part repaying her debt to him.
- Bruenor Battlehammer and dwarves of Clan Battlehammer reclaim Mithral Hall from the duergar of Clan Bukbukken with the aid of dwarves from Citadel Adbar. Bruenor Battlehammer is crowned Eighth King of Mithral Hall.
- A tribe of kobolds led by their chieftain Kuthil takes up residence in the caverns beneath Maiden's Tomb Tor.
1358 1333 CR 326 NR 0 PR | Year of Shadows |
- "Shadows of the Avatar Trilogy" ("Shadows of Doom", "Cloak of Shadows", "All Shadows Fled")
- "The Alabaster Staff" begins.
- "The Siege of Zerith Hold" (Realms of War Story VI)
- "Possessions" (Best of the Realms, Book III Story XI)
- "Rivals" (Dragon 343)
- The Time of Troubles; gods walk the Realms. - The "Avatar Trilogy" ("Shadowdale", "Tantras" and "Waterdeep"). (Months : Kythorn through Marpenoth). Destruction of Bane, Bhaal, Myrkul, Waukeen, and perhaps other gods (Leira). Ascendancy of Cyric and Midnight.
- Dead magic and wild magic areas appear in the Realms.
- Anhur claims the portfolio of Ramman, after the latter is killed by Hoar. He also battles the avatar of Sekolah in the Alambar, in the "Battle of Summer Storms".
- Auril stalks the Great Glacier.
- Azuth is present at the Pool of Yeven, on the River Ashaba.
- Bane travels to Zhentil Keep, Castle Kilgrave, Scardale, and Tantras (where he is killed).
- Beshaba fights with Tymora in the North.
- Bhaal is present at the Haunted Halls of Eveningstar, and Boarskyr Bridge (where he is killed).
- Clangeddin Silverbeard appeared on the isle of Ruathym.
- Deep Duerra's avatar appears to duergar under the mountains of Turmish and leads them on a campaign of conquest.
- Deneir graces Twilight Hall in Berdusk with his presence.
- Eldath appears in the Misty Forest.
- Garagos rampages through Westgate's harbor before wading out into the Sea of Fallen Stars, leaving a blood-red harbor in his wake. In the aftermath of the Reaver's rampage, trade in Westgate is sharply impacted by the magical chaos that accompanies the Fall of the Gods.
- Geb leads his followers to the Ship of the Gods, where they build a temple to him.
- Gond Wonderbringer falls to Lantan in the form of a gnome. He gives the Lantanese the secrets of smoke powder and guns.
- Gwaeron Windstrom pursues Malar throughout the North.
- Helm spends the Troubles guarding the Nexus of the Planes.
- Hoar possessed King Hippartes of Akanax and attacked Unther. He was driven from the field by Anhur.
- Ilmater roams the Bloodstone Lands.
- Labelas Enorath appeared on the isle of Ruathym.
- Lliira appears in both Shadowdale and Cormanthor.
- Lolth appeared to her faithful in Menzoberranzan.
- Malar stalks the Gulthmere and is challenged by Nobanion. He is driven north and west towards the Sword Coast.
- Mielikki stays in her stronghold, the Tall Trees, within the High Forest.
- Milil appears in Athkatla.
- Myrkul dies in Waterdeep.
- Mystra is known to have visited Castle Kilgrave.
- Oghma calls on his patriarch in Procampur.
- Ramman is killed by Hoar, but passes his portfolio on the Anhur.
- The Red Knight is rumored to have slaughtered a huge host of monsters in the Forest of Tethir.
- Selune is in Waterdeep, foiling Shar's plots.
- Selvetarm rampages through the drow city of Eryndlyn, attacking the faithful of Ghaunadar and Vhaeraun.
- Shar spends the Troubles in Waterdeep, pretending to be Selune (hoping to draw her out in order to kill her).
- Sharess was in Calimport, where she was saved from Shar by Sune.
- Shiallia spent the Troubles repairing much of the damages caused by Malar's northern rampages.
- Siamorphe manifests in Waterdeep and protected North and Sea Wards from much of the damages caused by Myrkul's Legions.
- Silvanus is rumored to have roamed the Winterwood and the Chondalwood, and to have visited Ilighon.
- Ssethh kills Vaerae and absorbs his portfolio; the snake-god also appears in Chult.
- Sune is known to have been in Teziir, in the avatar of a beautiful woman with silky scarlet hair and fiery red-brown eyes.
- Talona meets with the wizard Aballister and leads him to Castle Trinity, in the northern Snowflake Mountains.
- Talos was in Tsurlagol.
- Tempus appears on battlefields in Battledale and Mistledale.
- Torm was in Tantras, where he punished an unfaithful cleric and killed Bane.
- Tymora held worship in her church in Arabel.
- Ulutiu spent the Troubles slumbering under the Great Glacier.
- Umberlee was active in the Sea of Fallen Stars and around the Pirate Isles, causing havoc and driving away many pirate worshippers.
- Xvim spent the Troubles imprisoned beneath Zhentil Keep.
- Ao's voice is heard by many in Waterdeep, and his temple is established on the ruins in the market.
- Rise of the mortals Cyric and Midnight to godhood.
- Mulhorand launches a fleet of ships to capture the Alaor from Thay; more than half the fleet sinks from storms and sahuagin attacks. Mulhorand spends the rest of the year defending its port cities against sea devil attacks.
- The Summer Storms War claims the lives of many sahaugin of the Alamber as well as over thirty ships and 2,000 people of Mulhorand as the god-king's forces clash with the sea devils. The visitations of Sekolah, Anhur, Umberlee, and other lesser water powers cause many disruptions. The mythal barrier around Myth Nantar crackles and surges but holds against attempts to break the barrier.
- The demi-power Malyk appears in the Underdark following Mystra's destruction.
- Following the Godswar, the priesthood of Waukeen loses its' hold over the city of Nesme.
- Shortly after the Time of Troubles, the temple of Leira in Westgate is looted and burned. A magical mesh chain helm of disguise covered with platinum coins struck with the glyph of the Lady of Mists goes missing, stolen by the Night Masks.
- The Shadow Thieves of Amn lose the entire membership of the Shade Council and two-thirds of their assassin members thanks to the machinations of the gods. In response, they undergo a sweeping reorganization.
- "Wyvern's Spur" (Ches; pre-Time o Troubles): Flattery Wyvernspur is hunted and destroyed.
- "Song of the Saurials": Moander returns to the Forgotten Vale and takes control of the settlement of Saurials, but is driven back into the Planes by Alias, Dragonbait, and others along with the "Nameless Bard" Finder Wyvernspur. Finder destroys Moander and becomes a demi-power himself.
- The Luskanite presence in Ruathym is forced out by the combined diplomatic and military pressure brought to bear by the Lords' Alliance.
- Mourngrym and Shaerl have a son, Scotti.
- Gilgeam kills Tiamat. Tiamat's deific essence is split into three pieces, one of which inhabits the red dragon Tchazzar.
- "Siege of Darkness": The drow of Menzoberranzan raid Mithril Hall.
- Arvoreen's Marchers forms in Tethyr to patrol and protect the Purple Marches.
- The Wandering Seed of the Goddess Wilaundaun Braer, Patriarch of Chauntea, disappears somewhere in the Fallen Lands or south of Weathercote Wood. The Glarathra vanishes with him.
- The beholder crime-lord Xanathar is slain by adventurers, at the command of the Lords of Waterdeep. The Eye of Undermountain seems to have had a hand in this.
- The Calishite mage Shond Tharovin unleashes the demilich Shoon VII on Zallanora Argentresses, a young female elf mage, and the spirits of the undead Qysar and the young elf switch bodies.
- "A Slow Day in Skullport" (Realms of the Underdark Story III; month of Eleasias)
- Collapse of the Ebondeath Sect in the Mere of Dead Men due to the destruction of Myrkul.
- High Lady Alustriel cements an alliance with King Bruenor Battlehammer of Mithral Hall by aiding the dwarves in their war against the drow of Menzoberranzan.
- The city of Luskan and its various affiliated island realms of the Trackless Sea form the Captain's Confederation.
1359 | Year of the Serpent |
- "Horselords"
- "Dragonwall" begins.
- "The Night Parade"
- "Ghostwalker" begins
- "Wayfarer" (Webstory for "Ghostwalker")
- "Another Name For Dawn": Erevis Cale departs from Westgate for Selgaunt (Dragon 277)
- "Mercy's Reward" (Realms of War Story VII)
- Zhengyi (The Witch King) is destroyed.
- Damara united by Gareth Dragonsbane.
- Tuigan horde united beneath its Khahan. Yamun Khahan invades Kara-Tur.
- Hubadai (son of Yamun) invades Semphar. The Caliph flees to Iliphanar. After a short siege the city falls, and the Caliph, the Emir of Iliphanar, and their advisors are burned alive inside the palace.
- Battle of Shar's Pass: On Uktar 15, the Tuigans under Batu Min Ho battle the Red Wizards to a standstill. The Griffon Legion is almost completely destroyed.
- A new type of dragon, the "cinnamon dragon", is discovered in Turmish.
- The Risen Cult of Bane surfaces in the Moonshaes.
- The dwarves of Tethyamar are said to have returned to the mountains to reclaim their lands.
- The Men of the Red Kestrel find dwarves frozen into the Great Glacier.
- The Order of the Silver Chalice, the only fighting order dedicated to the goddess Siamorphe, is founded in Tethyr.
- Trails are broken for a new route linking Esmeltaran with the now-prosperous city of Keczulla.
- Mt. Ugruth in Turmish rumbles threateningly for several months before subsiding.
- Rumors of The Book of Fangs and Talons being carried through the forests of the North by chanting Malarites surface.
- Fleeing the rebellion in Unther after Gilgeam's death, priests of the fallen god-king re-occupy the Citadel of Black Ash
- The Eye of Undermountain becomes the second Xanathar, assuming the identity of its now- dead rival.
- Ixitxachitl temporarily conquer some areas of northeastern Hmur Plateau (beneath the Fangrocks), but are ousted from their redoubts within the year.
- A War King of the duergar, Olorn Ridaugar, appears to be massing the dark dwarves under Turmish.
- The long-lost Throne of Shanatar is said to have been found in a lagoon on an island in the Race.
- Erevis Cale arrives in Selgaunt from Westgate.
- Mirt the Moneylender of Waterdeep takes to the seas and hunts down and destroys a ship of Luskan, The Black Basilisk, crewed by ambitious younger mages and apprentices of the Arcane Brotherhood. This vessel has been hunting down pirates and transforming them into servile undead, forming an ever-growing "Dead Fleet". With the defeat of The Black Basilisk, the "Dead Fleet" is scattered and safety returns to the waters off the Sword Coast.
1360 | Year of the Turret |
- "Curse of the Shadowmage"
- "King's Tear" ("Realms of Valor" Story VII)
- "Dragonwall" ends.
- "Crusade"
- "The Parched Sea": Through the efforts of a Harper hero named Lander (who is killed) and the witch Ruha, the Harpers manage to put a good dent into Zhentarim caravan operations in the Anauroch desert.
- "Windwalker" begins.
- "The Topaz Dragon" (Realms of the Dragons Story V)
- "The Curse of Tegea" ("Realms of Valor" Story X)
- "Faerie Ire" (Realms of the Dragons II Story I)
- Tuigan horde invades Faerûn. Citadel Rashemar in Rashemen is destroyed. (Spellbound)
- Crusade of The Alliance against the Tuigan. King Azoun IV kills Yamun Khahan in the 2nd Battle of the Golden Way in Thesk.
- Many mercinaries depart Tethyr to participate in the Crusade against the Tuigan.
- Elminster addresses the Lord's Alliance.
- The famed bard Mintipur Moonsilver writes the Ballad of a Tyrant.
- The long-lost Wyrmskull Throne of Shanatar is discovered by pirates in the Bay of Skulls in the sheltering lee of Hook Isle.
- The Calishite mage Ondeeme razes the realm of Phaeradur in the Border Kingdoms, establishing his own self-titled holding.
- The red wyrm Klauth is ambushed by two white dragons, Aerihykloarara and Ruuthundrarar, and the blue wyrm Irdrithkryn. He slays all three of his assailants in a spectacular aerial battle which rages from the Iceflow to the Fell Pass.
1361 | Year of the Maidens |
- "Elfshadow": The Harper Assassin plagues the North. Danilo Thann and Arilyn Moonblade discover that the assassin is really the gold elf Kymil Nimesin.
- "Daughter of the Drow"
- "Windwalker" ends.
- "The Ring of Winter" begins.
- "The Direct Approach" (Realms of Magic Story XVIV; 4 days between Liriel Book I & II)
- "Tangled Webs"
- The "Cleric Quintet" ("Canticle", "In Sylvan Shadows", "Night Masks", "Fallen Fortress", "The Chaos Curse") begins
- The Revelation of the True World of Maztica. The "Maztica Trilogy" ("Ironhelm", "Viperhand", "Feathered Dragon") begins.
- Danilo Thann becomes a Harper.
- The Edificant Library is destroyed during the Trinity Conflicts.
- A group of vampire-hunting adventurers, the Foes of the Fang, forms in Waterdeep.
- The Banedeath - holy war in Zhentil Keep. Orthodox Banite worship driven underground in that city.
- The Black Lord's Cloak in Mourktar is swelled with refugee Baneites.
- Thydrim Yvarrg becomes Huhrong of Rashemen.
- Four Cult of the Dragon archmages arrive outside of Silverymoon and unleash spells to draw Alustriel out. She and Taern "Thunderspell" Hornblades dispatch two of them easily, but Taern and the other Spellguard members are soon kept busy with a dracolich unleashed on the southern walls of the city. Alustriel defeats another Cult mage, but only the timely arrival of Khelben "Blackstaff" Arunsun and Laeral Silverhand saved Alustriel's life against the final archmage.
- The forces of Waterdeep attack the kobolds of Maiden's Tomb Tor and drive them deep within the mountain.
- The Drow of the Underdark find a new passage to the surface in the eastern Dragonspine Mountains, after being locked out of Shadowdale in 1356 DR. They begin trading with Zhentil Keep again.
- Word reaches Tethyr and Calimshan of the Amnite discovery of the western lands of Maztica.
- The pirate-captain Teldar rises to take Immurk's Seat as king of the Inner Sea pirates.
- Victor Dhostar, son Croamarkh Luer Dhostar and one of the Night Masters of Westgate, becomes "the Faceless" after secretly killing his predecessor and seizing the helm of disguise previously looted from the temple of Leira. Victor begins rebuilding the Night Masks, eventually subsuming the Shore Patrol confederation into his organization.
- Zhentarim infiltrate Anauroch.
- Thamalon Uskevren hires Erevis Cale as his butler.
- The plotting of the Kraken Society sees Ruathym pitted against the sea elves of the surrounding region and Luskan. Pressure from the Lord's Alliance sees Luskan give up its conquest while the Society's plot is foiled by Liriel Baenre and her companion Fyodor.
- Rumors of the Harper Assassin travel throughout Waterdeep and pilgrims and soldiers of the Church of Helm announce the discovery of Maztica.
- The dragon Lhammaruntosz forms the Scaly Eye merchant shipping line which operates along the coastal regions of the Sword Coast and the North.
- The kobolds beneath Maiden's Tomb Tor are discovered and then attacked by the Waterdeep Guard and various mercenary groups, causing them to flee into deeper caverns which are then sealed.
1362 | Year of the Helm |
1363 | Year of the Wyvern |
- The Way Inn destroyed by hordes from Dragonspear Castle (The North, FRQ2 Hordes of Dragonspear). The Battle of Daggerford.
- The Battle of Daggerford.
- The Council Schism of Amn results in the deaths of the Meisarch, Namarch, and Pommarch of the Council of Six, who are soon replaced.
- Vurgrom the "Mighty" challenges Teldar, drives him into exile in Thesk, then takes control of the pirates, claiming Immurk's seat as king of the Inner Sea pirates.
- Tazi meets Steorf.
c. 1364 |
- The Sembian Cult of the Dragon steps up its activities against the Zhentarim, attacking caravans and attempting to usurp control of various trade routes.
1364 | Year of the Wave |
- "Passage to Dawn"
- "Elfsong"
- "The Veiled Dragon"
- "Silver Shadows"
- "The Silent Blade"
- "Whisper of Waves" ends.
- "The Eye of the Dragon" (The Best of the Realms, Book II Story X)
- "The Hunting Game", in Flamerule (Realms of the Dragons II Story III)
- "Elminster's Jest" (Best of the Realms, Book III Story III)
- "Memories": Larajin at the age of 17 (Dragon 299)
- The Shieldmeet festival falls on this year.
- The Way Inn is rebuilt.
- Baron Thuragar Foesmasher becomes ruler of newly-independent Sespech.
- Droughts, increased monster activity, and political unrest plague Waterdeep for months leading up to Midsummer. A green dragon and an apparently mad bard disrupt the Shieldmeet ceremonies at the Field of Triumph, nearly upsetting the Lord's Rule.
- Danilo Thann becomes a Lord of Waterdeep.
- Alzegund the Trader, a Red Wizard agent, is found murdered. He is replaced by the wizardess Naglatha.
- The Flaming Fist, a mercenary company out of Baldur's Gate, establishes Fort Flame just off the Bay of Balduran on the continent of Maztica. A second Amnian colony, Qoral, is established farther inland.
- The green dragon Dretchroyaster undergoes the Cult of the Dragon's transformation and becomes a dracolich.
- Iltharagh, a topaz dragon, undergoes the process to become a dracolich.
- The vampiress Shyressa is driven from Castle Nethmarch, and her slave vampires are either flushed out or destroyed by a trio of vampire hunters. Shortly thereafter, their employer, Nails of the Lady Dlatha Faenar, a priestess of Beshaba, takes residence and renames the keep the Spires Against the Stars.
- An agent of the Knights of the Shield assassinates Pasha Balik of Zazzesspur in his bed.
- A green dragon, Grimnoshtdrano "the Riddling Dragon", and the bard and ex-Harper Iriador "Garnet" Wintermist disrupt Shieldmeet in Waterdeep, nearly upsetting the Lords' Rule.
- The topaz dragon Iltharagh, who lairs near the mouth of the Iceflow north of Luskan, becomes a dracolich.
- The venerable steel dragon Zundaerazylym tears apart Aerlenden "Shadowtalons" Mardilaer, a wizard of the Arcane Brotherhood over the Sea of Swords off the coast of Neverwinter.
1365 | Year of the Sword |
- "Stormlight"
- "The Druidhome Trilogy" ("Prophet of Moonshae", "The Coral Kingdom", "The Druid Queen").
- "The Spine of the World" begins
- "The Howling Delve" begins
- Alicia Kendrick becomes High Queen of the Moonshaes. Piergeiron of Waterdeep attends the coronation, and rumors that the Paladinson is taken with Alicia, but not she with him, spread furiously through Waterdeep.
- Limited trade is established between Waterdeep and the lands of Maztica and Zakhara. The high-risk ventures (as many as 60% of the ships are lost at sea) are jointly managed by the priesthood of Helm and various noble families.
- New Waterdeep is established on the Gulf of Kultaka, Maztica.
- The Sembian Cult of the Dragon cell convinces Malygris, a blue dragon of Anauroch, to become a dracolich. This dracolich then attacks, kills, and replaces the ruler of the Great Desert's loose society of blue dragons.
- The blue dracolich Alasklerbanbastos controls a large cell of the Cult of the Dragon in Chessenta along with a flight of chromatic dragons.
- Death of Grintharke and many of the greater tanar'ri of Hellgate Keep. Beginning of the rule of the Triumvirate over the Keep.
- The red dracolich Gotha, created by Talos and sent to the Moonshae Isles to serve the God of Destruction purposes, is killed by the Princess Alicia Kendrick, who was briefly the earthly avatar of the goddess the Earthmother.
- Arklem Greeth hands day to day authority over the Arcane Brotherhood to his chief assistant Queltar Thaeloon, the "Wizard of Green Fire".
1366 | Year of the Staff |
- "Nothing but Trouble" (The Best of the Realms, Book II Story XI)
- "King Pinch"
- "The Soldiers of Ice"
- "War in Tethyr, Pt. I"
- "Servant of the Shard"
- "The Twilight Giants Trilogy" ("The Ogre's Pact", "The Giant Among Us", "The Titan of Twilight")
- "Nothing but Trouble", in Flamerule (Best of the Realms, Book II Story XI).
- "The Great Hunt" (Best of the Realms, Book III Story VII)
- First Princess of Thay marries Selfaril of Mulmaster.
- The famed Knights of the Sword Coast retire in Waterdeep.
- Lord Chess becomes ruler of Zhentil Keep.
- Fall of Amassyra the Tricoil; rule of Hellgate Keep now falls to Ssaam of the Five Hands and Mulvassyss the Sceptered.
- A Red Wizard in Turmish dies when his residence is repeatedly struck by lightning bolts during a freak summer storm. The druids of the Emerald Enclave are suspected in the attack.
- Zaranda Star purchases County Morninggold from the Order of the Silver Chalice.
- Sponsored primarily by the Council of Six and Lord Pulth Tanislove of Keczulla, the Gem Road between Keczulla and Esmelatarn is completed.
- Enrathman Hokump, Lord High Commander of the Citadel of Black Ash in Unther, converts to the worship of Set.
- Manshoon relocates the resources of the Zhentarim to the Citadel of the Raven.
- A quartet of illithids openly slay Baron Alahar Khaumfros of Yartar, the Kraken Society's leading agent in the Dessarin Valley.
1367 | Year of the Shield |
- "The Shadow Stone": Aeron Morieth becomes the Stormwalker of the Maerchwood.
- "War in Tethyr, Pt. II" [This period runs from Mirtul 1367 to Tarsakh 1368.]
- "Prologue" & "Epilogue" (Realms of Magic Story I & Frame Story)
- "Murder in Cormyr"
- "At the Publishing House" & "Back at the Publishing House" (Realms of the Underdark Story I & Frame story)
- "Murder in Halruaa"
- "Once Around the Realms"
- "Thieves' Reward" (Realms of Magic Story XIII)
- "Thieves' Honor" (Realms of Infamy Story XIV)
- "That Curious Sword" (Realms of Shadow Story VI)
- "Empty Joys" (Best of the Realms, Book I Story XIV) begins.
- "The Road Home", in Marpenoth (Realms of the Dragons II Story IV)
- In Mirabar, an enterprising wizardess named Shoundra manages to set herself up as Sceptrana (ruler) of the city.
- Trolltide turns deadly in Waterdeep as people begin polymorphing into trolls.
- After strange events in the Rat Hills send a cloud of smoke over Waterdeep, many Waterdhavians contract a mild plague.
- Khelben "Blackstaff" Arunsun reveals himself publicly as a Lord of Waterdeep, then resigns and presents his masked successor (Danilo Thann).
- Garrik Oakspear flees from the Xanathar deep into Undermountain, where Muiral delivers him to Halaster.
- A major earthquake destroys much of Eltabbar.
- The Harpell family of Longsaddle completes construction of its magic road from Longsaddle to Nesme.
- The orc horde of King Greniere marches on the Citadel of Many Arrows. Greniere's orcs war with the orc horde of King Obould. Both sides are routed by the dwarven forces of King Emerus Warcrown and his Silverymoon allies. The dwarves take over the citadel and restore its ancient name of Citadel Felbarr.
- Two nights of emerald green snow in Nightal fall upon Silverymoon and the area within two days' ride of the city. The snow disappears quickly, but leads to fantastic plant growth and fruit production.
- The Time of the Beast. Some wise men prophecy that the beasts who once ruled the land will soon return to claim it.
- Radoc and his mongrelman army attack Hellgate Keep and both sides suffer grave losses. Ssaarn the marilith is slain by her co-leader, giving Mulvassyss the Many-Sceptered sole control over Hellgate Keep.
- The Days of Terror in Zazesspur.
- A plague strikes the city of Procampur.
- Bold Faerûnian pirates descend beneath the waves of the Inner Sea to the Hmur Plateau, seeking treasure. Plunderering a dragon turtle's cave amid the plateau cliffs, they pay for their invasion with their lives, although some pirates do escape with magical treasures.
- A mongrelman army led by Radoc attacks Hellgate Keep out of the High Forest and both sides suffer grave losses. Ssaarn the marilith is slain and Mulvassyss rules Hellgate Keep.
- A great conflagration in the Rat Hills, south of Waterdeep, causes the Unseen to move its base wholly within the City of Splendors.
- The Eye conquers the Xanathar Thieves Guild in Waterdeep.
- The wizard Shoundra establishes herself as Sceptrana of Mirabar, and rules the city in union with the Council of Sparkling Stones and Marchion Elastul Raurym.
1368 | Year of the Banner |
- "The Grinning Ghost of Taverton Hall" (Realms of Mystery Story XIV; The Best of the Realms, Book II Story XII; month of Eleasias)
- "The Mage in the Iron Mask"
- "Masquerades": Alias of Westgate and Dragonbait return to Westgate in the month of Mirtul on a visit to Mintassan the Sage and are hired by the Croamarkh to curtail the activities of the Night Masks. Victor Dhostar, son of Croamarkh Luer Dhostar and head of the Night Masks, secretly murders his father, framing him as "the Faceless", and then unleashes iron golems on the merchant nobility at the annual Regatta Masquerade ball. Victor is then elected Interim Croamarkh by the newly elevated heads of the heads of the merchant houses, who are unaware of his perfidy. The two adventurers and a handful of Harper allies eventually unmask the Faceless and severely disrupt the operations of the Night Masks. Victor is slain shortly after proclaiming himself king of Westgate, and the late King Verovan's treasure is briefly found before being lost for good. Durgar the Just of Tyr, a priest, judge, and head of the city watch of Westgate, is elected interim Croamarkh.
- "Baldur's Gate": Sarevok, spawn of the dead god Bhaal, plots with the Iron Throne to start a war between Amn and Baldur's Gate. Scar of the Flaming Fists and Grand Duke Eltan of Baldur's Gate are slain. Another spawn of Bhaal, Abdel Adrian, confronts Sarevok and slays him.
- "Baldur's Gate II - Throne of Bhaal"
- "Thornhold" ends.
- "The Simbul's Gift"
- "Finder's Bane"
- "Tymora's Luck"
- "Faces of Deception"
- "The Nether Scroll"
- "The Prince of Lies"
- "Dream Spheres"
- "Lies of Light" ends.
- "Promise of the Witch King"
- "Road of the Patriarch"
- "Speaking with the Dead" (Realms of Mystery Story I)
- "A Walk in the Snow" (Realms of Mystery Story II)
- "The Rose Window" (Realms of Mystery Story III)
- "The Club Rules" (Realms of Mystery Story IV)
- "Thieves' Justice" (Realms of Mystery Story V)
- "Ekhar Lorrent: Gnome Detective" (Realms of Mystery Story VI)
- "The Devil and Tertius Wands" (Realms of Mystery Story VII)
- "H" (Realms of Mystery Story VIII)
- "Strange Bedfellows" (Realms of Mystery Story IX)
- "Whence the Song of Steel" (Realms of Mystery Story X)
- "An Unusual Suspect" (Realms of Mystery Story XI)
- "Darkly, Through a Glass of Ale" (Realms of Mystery Story XII)
- "Lynaelle" (Realms of Mystery Story XIII)
- "Wickless in the Nether" (Realms of the Dragons Story VI)
- "Serpestrillvyth" (Realms of the Dragons Story VII)
- "Redemption" (Realms of War Story VIII)
- "Empty Joys" (Best of the Realms, Book I Story XIV) ends.
- "Stolen Dreams" (Best of the Realms, Book III Story IX)
- "Reunification: Body " Soul" (Dragon 247)
- "The Lost Library of Cormanthyr" ends: Baylee Arnvold discovers the Lost Library of Cormanthyr.
- A Shieldmeet falls on this year.
- The Second Banedeath: Cyric unleashes his Inquisition on Zhentil Keep, Yulash, Darkhold, Teshwave, and the Citadel of the Raven to cleanse all Zhent holdings of non-Cyricist priests. Only in Darkhold does this prove wholly effective, since pockets of Xvimlar survive throughout all other Zhentish strongholds.
- Death of Lord Chess in Waterdeep.
- Cyric kills Leira and takes her portfolio. Kelemvor deposes Cyric as Lord of the Dead.
- Destruction of Zhentil Keep by an army of dragons, giants, and ogres.
- Something begins driving the trolls out of the Evermoors.
- The Font of Knowledge (Temple of Oghma) finishes construction in Waterdeep.
- Zhentarim-sponsored adventurers kill Elrem, shaman leader of the Great Worm Uthgardt tribe, stealing much of his treasure.
- The Blue Bear Uthgardt tribe, led by the annis Tanta Hagara, conquers Hellgate Keep. Hagara becomes the new ruler of the Keep.
- The Grandfather Tree is rediscovered near the Lost Peaks of the High Forest.
- The Elemental Gods (Akadi, Grumbar, Istishia, Kossuth, and Shaundakul) draw followers in Faerun.
- Garagos the Reaver appears in Chondath to crush the marilith Glackzana and re-establish his worship.
- Velsharoon becomes a demi-power with the sponsorship of Talos.
- Trolls flee in numbers from the Evermoors causing chaos along the trade roads near Nesme.
- The Tree Ghost Uthgardt tribe re-discover the site of their ancient ancestor mound Grandfather Tree.
- The settlement of Orlbar in the Delimbyr Vale comes under the sway of the Zhentarim.
1369 | Year of the Gauntlet |
- "Star of Cursrah" ends.
- "The Shadow Stone" ends.
- "The Spine of the World" ends.
- "Cormyr: A Novel" ends.
- "Sea of Swords" begins.
- "Rising Tide": The "Threat From the Sea" plagues the Sword Coast, resulting in attacks on Waterdeep, Baldur's Gate, Calimport, and other random ports on the Trackless Sea. Sahuagin raids on Inner Sea cities are limited to the latter half of the year, and are minor, with only Bezantur being as viciously harassed as the Sword Coast cities.
- "Under Fallen Stars"
- "The Sea Devil's Eye" begins.
- "Silverfall: Stories of the Seven Sisters"
- "The Glass Prison"
- "Pool of Radiance: The Ruins of Myth Drannor"
- "Crucible: Trial of Cyric the Mad"
- "Master of Chains"
- "Scream of Stone" begins.
- "Baldur's Gate II - Shadows of Amn"
- "Hard Choices" (Realms of the Deep Story I)
- "Fire is Fire" (Realms of the Deep Story II)
- "Messenger to Serôs" (Realms of the Deep Story III)
- "The Place Where Guards Snore at their Posts" (Realms of the Deep Story IV; The Best of the Realms, Book II Story XIII)
- "Lost Cause" (Realms of the Deep Story V)
- "Forged in Fire" (Realms of the Deep Story VI)
- "One who Swims with Sekolah" (Realms of the Deep Story VII)
- "The Crystal Reef" (Realms of the Deep Story VIII)
- "The Patrol" (Realms of the Deep Story IX)
- "The Star of Tethyr" (Realms of the Deep Story X)
- "Persana's Blade" (Realms of the Deep Story XI)
- "And the Dark Tide Rises" (Realms of the Deep Story XII)
- "How Burlmarr Saved the Unseen Protector", in Uktar (Realms of the Dragons II Story V)
- "Fire is Fire", in Ches (Best of the Realms, Book III Story X)
- "Changing Tides" (Realms of War Story IX)
- "The Burning Chalice" (Halls of Stormweather Story I) ends.
- "Honest and True": A Ruha and Malik story (Dragon 245)
- "The Honor of Two Swords" (Dragon 260)
- "The Innkeeper's Secret" (Dragon 266)
- For almost a year, trade between the Sword Coast and Maztica comes to a virtual standstill.
- Iyachtu Xvim rises as a demi-power and then a lesser power. Fzoul Chembryl founds Xvim's new church and leads it as High Tyrannar from an underground temple beneath Zhentil Keep.
- Khelben Blackstaff and Fzoul meet in secret in Voonlar, where Khelben provides information about Lord Orgauth of Zhentil Keep and Fzoul vows to limit Xvimlar activity to the east of the Thunder Peaks for the next 10,000 days.
- Fzoul and the beholder Manxam assault their rivals in Mulmaster. The High Imperceptor of Cyric is killed along with a number of faithful, and the long-hidden High Imperceptor of Bane is captured and brought back to the Keep for torture.
- Tanta Hagara sends raiding parties out of Hellgate Keep.
- Alustriel of Silverymoon and the Mistmaster of the Citadel of Mists attack Hellgate Keep with heavy magic.
- Led by the Mistmaster, the Harpers destroy Hellgate Keep through use of an artifact known as the Gatekeeper's Crystal. Tanta Hagara and the Blue Bear Uthgardt tribe are also destroyed.
- Two Harpers on a suicide mission carry a piece of the Gatekeeper's Crystal artifact into Hellgate Keep. The Mistmaster causes the artifact to destroy the Keep and its' denizens.
- Turlang and his treants herd trees from the High Forest to the ruins of the Keep and to Hellgate Pass, blocking the Pass and keeping Hellgate Keep from being used again.
- People in the Nesme area discover that a black dragon and fog and cloud giants are among the creatures driving the trolls from the Evermoors. Strangely, some giants are friendly, others hostile. (North)
- The Harpell family completes the magic bridge over the River Surbrin at Nesme.
- The northern nation of Luruar is founded by the dwarves and men of Citadel Adbar, Citadel Felbarr, Deadsnows, Everlund, Jalanthar, Mithril Hall, Quaervarr, Silverymoon, and Sundabar.
- Taern "Thunderspell" Hornblade becomes ruler of Silverymoon.
- Randal Morn and his riders reconquer Dagger Falls from the Zhentarim.
- Errilam Krimmevor, his father, uncle, and two cousins are imprisoned in the Cloister of St. Ramedar.
- The Storm Seige of Myratma. The Jhannivvar Pretender is killed, ending the war for Tethyr.
- Zaranda (1331 to ?), Wife of Haedrak III, Queen of Tethyr (peoples choice as monarch).
- The Interregnum Tribunals are convened in Mosstone at the Archdruid's Grove.
- The Loyal Order of Innocents is formed by the royal decree of Queen Zaranda of Tethyr at Harvestcourt.
- Seven ships of the Vemmil clan of Amn return from a mission to Zakhara, but four are attacked and looted by the Sea Reavers in late Eleint. The remainder arrive at Murann amid much ceremony. On Highharvestide, a huge, manlike juggernaut created from ship parts is Gated into the Sea of Swords at highsun and attacks the pirates' port of Skaug.
- Some Tethyrian exiles and former Amnian families return to Amn, accused of war crimes or continued malfeasance against the regime in Tethyr.
- Rakesk and the alhoon Ralayan the Ocultacle kidnap Halaster Blackcloak from his seat of power in Undermountain. Halaster's Highharvestide results in the destruction of the village of Geniste and other chaos across Faerun, until his rescue by a group of adventurers.
- Arcturia, one of Halaster's apprentices, is slain in Undermountain by giants in the Room of the Grim Statue.
- The arch-mage Shradin is shouted to death by the Skulls of Skullport.
- Drow expand into the Third Level of Undermountain.
- Piergeiron Paladinson destroys the dracolich Kistarianth the Red on the slopes of Mount Waterdeep during Halastar's Harvestide. The transformed red dragon was slain in life by Piergeiron's father, Athar the Shining Knight.
- During Halaster's Harvestide, a crimson death mist and a trio of vampiric mists enter the House of the Moon (Selune's temple in Waterdeep) through the Sojourner's Portal. The gate is re-directed into the Temple of Old Night in Calimport, but not before the vampiric mist escapes into the sewers.
- Duke Bhereu of Cormyr is killed during a hunting party by a poison-breathing automaton.
- An attempted assassination of King Azoun IV of Cormyr is foiled, and many treacherous nobles are exiled from Cormyr. Some disgraced members of House Bleth and House Cormaeril emigrate to Westgate, quickly establishing themselves as important members of Westgate's merchant nobility thanks to the disarray amongst the city's older houses stemming from the events of the year before. House Cormaeril claims the holdings of the Dhostar family, as a niece of the recently deceased family patriarch had married into that Cormyrean family. House Bleth begins constructing its own castle west of town, in keeping with the relatively recent construction of Castle Dhostar (renamed Castle Cormaeril) west of the city walls.
- Many fishing boats based along the Dragon Coast come under attack by devil rays, suggesting that something is stirring things up beneath the waves.
- Fire engulfs the Emerald Ward and Grand Ward of Calimport.
- The Ship of the Gods volcano in the Alambar erupts, and priests of Geb in the Golden Forge temple within fail to prevent the eruption but mitigate the damage to Mulhorand by venting lava across the sea bed. This causes a tidal wave that swamps the Alaor and Bezantur, and stirs up the sahuagin of the Alambar.
- Soon after the Ship of the Gods erupts, a great subsea explosion shakes rooftops in Airspur and Delthuntle, and the resulting waves cause some damage to their ports.
- Mulhorand invades and occupies the wrecked shipyards and ports of the Alaor.
- Vague reports begin to filter into ports around the Inner Sea of mass suicides by the inhabitants of the Whamite Isles. Ships sent to investigate fail to return.
- In Uktar, a great whirlpool pulls many ships in the Inner Sea down into the depths. This anomalous current destroys more than a third of the pirate fleets.
- The Hand of Bane is found and destroyed.
- Six adventurers set their minds upon the Grand reunifaction of the old elven kingdom that is home to the dalesmen. Their plan is first to set up a base of operation, with a town formed around it. Next is to help Randal Morn in anyway possible, such that he will be indebted to them. Only three of the orginal 6 remains, but the survivors find new people willing to help them in their goal. The goals also means eliminating the remaining Zhentil forces in the area and Zhentil Keep itself. The three remaining founders are now with titles; the half-elf King Lastat, the dwarf Archduke Bierock of the Tethyamar and the surrounding mountains and the elf Baron Lathane of Teshwave.
- The goddess Mielikki orders a radical reorganization of her priesthood.
- Demons from Hellgate keep assault Silverymoon, Sundabar and the Citadel of the Mists.
- Waterdeep is assailed from the depths of the harbor and surrounding sea by a host of sea creatures led by the monstrous wereshark Iakhovas which invades the City of Splendors. Waterdeep's defenders beat back the attack, but at the cost of many lives and much destruction in Dock and Sea Wards.
- Alustriel steps down as High Lady of Silverymoon appointing Taern "Thunderspell" Hornblade as High Mage of the city. Alustriel begins her efforts to form an alliance of northern settlements which is initially labelled Luruar.
- Halaster's Harvestide: The wizard Halaster is kidnapped for a time by the Twisted Rune and much of the North and the Realms endure great disruption as farflung portals go awry.
- The dwarves of Mirabar destroy the Kreeth goblin tribe in the Crags with the unlooked for aid of the crystal dragon Saryndalaghlothtor. They form the House of the Axe in alliance with this wyrm.
- Loudwater is assailed by a Malarite-led lycanthrope army which is beaten back with much loss and the death of the Green Regent Galaer Grasswave.
1370 | Year of the Tankard |
- "The Magehound"
- "The Wizardwar" begins.
- "Sea of Swords" ends.
- "The Sea Devil's Eye" ends
- "City of Ravens"
- "Beyond the High Road"
- "The Thousand Orcs"
- "The Lone Drow"
- "The Two Swords" begins
- "The Jewel of Turmish"
- "City of Splendors: A Waterdeep Novel" begins.
- "Living Forever" (The Best of the Realms, Book II Story XIV)
- "A Tall Tale" (Realms of the Dragons II Story VI)
- "Chase the Dark" (Realms of War Story X)
- "Bones and Stones" (Realms of War Story XI)
- "Song of Chaos" (Halls of Stormweather Story II) ends.
- "Night School" (Halls of Stormweather Story III)
- "The Price" (Halls of Stormweather Story IV)
- "Thirty Days" (Halls of Stormweather Story V)
- "Resurrection" (Halls of Stormweather Story VI)
- "Skin Deep" (Halls of Stormweather Story VII)
- Riatavin and Trailstone secede from Amn to Tethyr.
- The Knights of the Black Gauntlet of Mintar attack and capture the Tethyrian city of Kzelter.
- The Harpers discover Khelben's dealings with Fzoul. A Tribunal is called and, on Tarsakh 22, Khelben renounces his allegiance to the Harpers, turning in his pin.
- The Tel'Teukiira (The Moonstars) are founded by Khelben to further his goals. Many high-ranking ex-Harpers join, including Laeral Silverhand, Mintipur Moonsilver, and Myrmeen Lhal.
- Fzoul shatters the Scepter of the Sorcerer Kings in combat with the banelich Faram Khaldan, scattering its five pieces across the planes.
- The Manshoon Wars begin. Fzoul and Orgauth strike at Manshoon and Sememmon. Manshoon is killed and Sememmon flees to Darkhold, severing the gates that link it with Zhentil Keep. Several of Manshoon's clones activate, destroying each other and much of the Citadel of the Raven. Fzoul and Orgauth take control of the Citadel.
- A long-lost stasis clone of Manshoon awakens in the catacombs of Westgate as the Manshoon Wars begin. Prior to his awakening, this Manshoon clone had been abducted and drained by the Night King, a powerful vampire. As a vampire, the Manshoon clone hunts down and kills his creator, becoming the next Night King in turn. The Manshoon clone then sets about rebuilding the Night Masks to serve his ends, leading to rumors in Westgate that "the Faceless" has returned.
- Almost all humanoids inhabiting the western lowlands of Tethyr are driven out or killed.
- Queen Zaranda and King Haedrak III of Tethyr have triplets; Sybille, Coram, and Cyriana.
- Waterdeep's Font of Knowledge (Oghma temple) and the New Olamn Bards College gain popularity.
- The treants of Tall Trees led by Turlang the Thoughtful seal off Hellgate Keep from Silverymoon and begin reforesting the upper Delimbiyr.
- The Company of the Jaded Heart disappears into the ruins of Hellgate Keep.
- By the Feast of the Moon, the new outer walls and High Palace of Silverymoon are completed.
- The ogre magi-led forces of the Sythillisian Empire emerge from the Small Teeth. They attack eastern Amn, overrunning Imnescar and Trademeet, and reach all the way to the coast. The city of Murann is besieged by the humanoids.
- The Cult of the Dragon finally locates the shadowy dracolich known as the Dire Dragon. Though the Dire Dragon is not affiliated with the Cult in any way, the dracolich does allow the Cultists to leave after they gifted him with rather generous offerings.
- In Kythorn, numerous crypts and graves throughout Calimport are found desecrated or destroyed.
- The High Captains of Luskan arrive in Calimport for a month-long series of meetings (topics unknown) with the syl-pasha and his aides.
- Waukeen is freed from her imprisonment by the Abyssal Lord Graz'zt and is restored to the Faerûnian pantheon.
- The crystal dragon Saryndalaghlothtor "Lady Gemcloak" battles with and drives off an unknown red wyrm in the skies over Mirabar.
- In Unther, the the folk of Shussel mysteriously vanish, leaving the former fishing and mining city a ghost town.
- Trade between the sea folk of the Sea of Fallen Stars and ports along the Inner Sea increases sharply in the aftermath of the great undersea war. The merchants of Westgate quickly realize that the long-standing presence of koalinth tribes in the waters offshore put their city at a severe trading disadvantage in comparison with Starmantle.
- On the twenty-third day of Marpenoth, Azuth declares the office of Magister vacant. On the twenty-fourth, the wizardess Talatha Vaerovree of Innarlith accepts the office (reigns 1370 to ?).
- Mintar attacks and captures the Tethyrian city of Kzelter.
- The Sythillisian Empire attacks eastern Amn and reaches all the way to the coast. The city of Murann is besieged by the humanoids.
- The month of Nightal -- the "now" of The Halls of Stormweather, and the Sembia novel series begins.
- The lich known as "Pox" and her dracolich steed Saurglyce arrive from parts north and settle in the hills around Yartar.
- The crystal dragon Saryndalaghlothtor destroys an unknown red dragon that emerges from a great, fiery portal above the rooftops of Mirabar.
- Gandalug Battlehammer, the First and Ninth King of Mithral Hall dies of old age in the waning days of this year. Emissaries are despatched to Icewind Dale to inform Bruenor Battlehammer.
1371 | Year of the Unstrung Harp |
- "The Floodgate"
- "The Wizardwar" ends.
- "The Two Swords" ends
- "Evermeet": Evermeet, Island of Elves, is assaulted. The twin spires of the Towers of the Sun and Moon are destroyed. Elvish High Magic is lost. The Tree of Souls is planted, and a new elven homeland is born.
- "Death of the Dragon"
- "Night School" (Halls of Stormweather Story III)
- "The Price" (Halls of Stormweather Story IV)
- "Thirty Days" (Halls of Stormweather Story V)
- "Resurrection" (Halls of Stormweather Story VI)
- "Skin Deep" (Halls of Stormweather Story VII)
- "Shadow's Witness"
- "The Summoning" starts.
- "Black Wolf" starts in the month Hammer.
- "City of Splendors: A Waterdeep Novel" ends.
- "Waylaid" (Realms of the Dragons Story VIII)
- "The Long Road Home" (The Best of the Realms, Book II Story XV)
- "Comrades at Odds" (Realms of the Elves Story V)
- The frontier town of Tilverton is formally absorbed into the nation of Cormyr.
- The Confederacy of Luruar, also known as The Silver Marches, is declared a new country.
- A titanic red dragon leads an army of orcs and goblins and despoils much of Cormyr. The dragon and King Azoun IV slay each other in battle.
- The infant Azoun V, son of Princess Tanalasta, becomes King of Cormyr, with his aunt Alusair acting as Regent.
- Bruenor Battlehammer is informed of the death of Gandalug and begins the long trek to Mithral Hall to reclaim his throne.
- The alliance known as the League of the Silver Marches is established and Alustriel Silverhand is named as its leader.
- The orc chieftain Obould "Many Arrows" joins with a group of frost giants led by Gerti Orelsdottr to bring war to the fledgling Silver Marches, beginning with the destruction of the small settlement of Shallows, north of the Fell Pass.
- The wizards Eldeluc and Valkebar slay the "Wizard of Green Fire" and usurp Arklem Greeth's position as leader of the Arcane Brotherhood. He is forced to flee to Mirabar.
- The settlement of Newfort is established by ex-Zhent soldiers.
- A group led by Melegaunt of Shade succeed in destroying the demi-lich Wulgreth of Netheril and vanquishing the lich Wulgreth of Ascalhorn. They steal the Karsestone from Karse and flee that dark, ruined city.
1372 | Year of Wild Magic |
- "Pool of Twilight": Kern Desanea, son of Tarn and Shal (Heroes of Phlan), recovers the Warhammer of Tyr. For assisting with Kern's quest, the legendary undead Paladin Miltiades is restored to life by Tyr.
- "The Summoning" ends: The city of Shade appears over the Anauroch desert, as the archwizards of Netheril return to Faerun.
- "The Siege"
- "The Sorcerer"
- "Elminster in Hell"
- "The Shattered Mask"
- "Black Wolf" ends in the month Myrtul.
- "Heirs of Prophecy" starts in the month Kythorn.
- "Sands of the Soul" starts in the month Marpenoth.
- "Bladesinger" ends.
- War of the Spider Queen ("Dissolution", "Insurrection", "Condemnation", "Annihilation", "Extinction" and "Resurrection")
- "Sacrifice of the Widow" begins.
- "The Orc King" begins.
- "A Little Knowledge" (Realms of Shadow Story VII, The Best of the Realms, Book III Story XII)
- "Astride the Wind" (Realms of Shadow Story VIII)
- "The Fallen Lands" (Realms of Shadow Story IX)
- "When Shadows come seeking a Thron" (Realms of Shadow Story X)
- "King Shadow" (Realms of Shadow Story XI)
- "The Shifting Sands" (Realms of Shadow Story XII)
- "Standard Delving Procedure" (Realms of the Dragons Story IX)
- "The Book Dragon", in Mid Hammer (Realms of the Dragons II Story VII)
- "Freedom's Promise", in Kythorn (Realms of the Dragons II Story VIII)
- "Possessions", in Flamerule (Realms of the Dragons II Story IX)
- "Queen of the Mountain" (Realms of the Dragons II Story X): Entry not dated -- could take place in 1373
- "And All the Sinners, Saints" (Dragon 297)
- "Haunted, A Tale of Sembia" (Dragon 304) ends.
- On Midwinter night, the god Bane returns to Faerun, bursting forth from the skin of his son, Iyachtu Xvim. With his divinity restored Bane quickly gains the portfolio of fear, restoring him to a Greater Power.
- Tilverton suffers an attack of unknown origin in Mirtul. All that is left of the town is a dark, concave space filled with shadows and flitting regions of deeper darkness.
- Arklem Greeth attains lichdom and regains the leadership of the Arcane Brotherhood with the aid of the erinyes Nyphithys.
- The Lady's Hand Monastery, dedicated to Loviatar and located in the Nether Mountains, is attacked and sacked by blue dragons of the Morueme clan and their hobgoblin servitors.
- The return of the city of Shade above the sands of Anauroch leads to widespread climatic changes throughout the North.
- Waterdeep send military aid to embattled Evereska which is under threat from the phaerimm and their thrall armies.
1373 | Year of Rogue Dragons |
1374 | Year of Lightning Storms |
1375 | Year of Risen Elfkin |
1376 | Year of the Bent Blade |
1377 | Year of the Haunting |
1378 | Year of the Cauldron |
1379 | Year of the Lost Keep |
1380 | Year of the Blazing Hand |
1381 | Year of the Starving |
1382 | Year of the Black Blazon |
1383 | Year of the Vindicated Warrior |
1384 | Year of Three Streams Blooded |
| 1385 | Year of Blue Fire |
1386 | Year of the Halflings' Lament |
1387 | Year of the Emerald Ermine |
1388 | Year of the Tanarukka |
1389 | Year of the Forgiven Foes |
c. 1390 |
1390 | Year of the Walking Man |
1391 | Year of the Wrathful Eye |
1392 | Year of the Scroll |
1393 | Year of the Ring |
1394 | Year of Deaths Unmourned |
1395 | Year of Silent Death |
1396 | Year of the Secret |
1397 | Year of the Quill |
1398 | Year of the Voyage |
1399 | Year of the Fallen Friends |
A. Jason Antokas,
George Krashos,
Olaf Krusche,
Jan Stephan Lundquist